#Antarctic Ocean Application Meta

#Antarctic Ocean | Southern ocean | Encircles Antarctica | Waters south of 60° S latitude | Covers ca. 21.96 million square kilometers | The fourth largest ocean basin | Antarctic Circumpolar Current (AAC) flows through it | ACC significantly influences global ocean circulation by connecting Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans | Average depth of approximately 3,270 meters (10,728 feet) | Maximum depth of 7,434 meters (24,390 feet) at Factorian Deep

#Mass Balance Measuring

#Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF)

#Capitals Coalition



#Discovering Antarctica

#MIT Earth System Model


#Research Gate

#The Explorer




#Marine Copernicus



#Earth Observatory NASA


#Cambridge Core

#Springer Link

#PEW Trusts

#NASA Ocean Color

#AVICO Altimetry


#USF Marine Science





#Australian Antarctic Program

#Universite Grenoble Alpes

#Georgia Institute Of Technology

#Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change

#Scripps Institution Of Oceanography


#Ocean Visions





#Marine Copernicus EU

#Saft Batteries


#Master Volt

#Orion BMS


#Analyzing Data

#Work Flow Setup

#Software Package Selection

#Apollo Mapping

#GIS University

#Data Gov Au

#Earth Watch

#IQ Geo

#GIS Lounge



#Environmental DNA | eDNA | Snow Track | Nucleare DNA | Genotyping | Microsatellite Markers | eDNA from cells shed in urine, faeces, sweat, breath, skin and other sources using similar field and molecular methods to those in forensic science

#Penguin Rookeries


#Humpback Whales

#Austral Summer

#Polar Circle

#Whale Encounters

#Glacier Monitoring


#Vulnerable Marine Ecosystem (VME) | One nautical mile in radius | Hub of biodiversity | Made up of organisms especially vulnerable to bottom-fishing gear | Refuge for life forms stressed by rapidly warming ocean

#Limited satellite connectivity